About Me

I’m Omer Dawelbeit. My passion for computers and programming started as a hobby almost 3 decades ago when I started learning GW-BASIC, FORTRAN, Borland Pascal, Delphi and C++. This passion has evolved over the years to cover Full-stack software development, Web and Mobile technologies, Cloud Computing, Big Data, IoT and Machine Learning.

In addition to technology I’m also passionate about people development, community building, mentoring and building effective high performance teams. My approach to leadership, building things and solving problems is highly logical and grounded in both knowledge and experience. My quest for knowledge is the reason I’ve pursed academic qualifications (e.g. Masters and PhD) and professional certifications.

Currently I work as a Principal Solutions Architect with Amazon Web Services. I work with public sector customers on their strategic initiatives, helping them with cloud adoption and architecting their solutions on AWS. Prior to joining AWS, I worked for McKinsey and Company, where I led large digital transformations in government and banking in the UK, GCC and South East Asia. I’ve 20+ years of experience leading technology on large digital transformations for customers of all sizes across multiple verticals and geographies. I hold a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Reading in the UK.

Academic Publications

Open source projects:

I was at some point the contributor and maintainer of the following open source projects:

  • ECARF, Elastic cloud based reasoning framework for the Semantic Web, http://ecarf.io
  • CloudEx, A generic elastic cloud based framework for the execution of embarrassingly parallel tasks. http://cloudex.io.
  • Appstart, Graphviz-Server, etc… more projects on GitHub

Developer community (2015 – 2021):

I was a Google Developer Expert for Cloud and was also the co-organizer for the Reading and Thames Valley Google Developers Group. I have grown the group through technical community engagement and collaboration. I enjoy mentoring & inspiring others on digital technologies, sharing knowledge through open source code samples, presentations and blog posts. Below is a brief summary of my past community engagements.

Community Groups

Events Timeline
